technical specifications   


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Ship-to-Ship Missile
For quite some time, T&P's Cutlass was the best missile around. Over the years, many improvements have been made, most recently the addition of proximity fusing. Thus the Cutlass is still a good mid-range missile.

Production Center(s): Solrain Core
Solrain Wake
Solrain Cornea
CodeName: Cutlass
Classification: Ship-to-Ship Missile
Manufacturer: T&P Systems
TechLevel: 8
Size(ucs): 2
Mass(kg): 225
Thrust(gF): 67,500
Max Pitch(d/s): 65
Max Yaw(d/s): 65
m-drag: 0.16
Damage(u): 2,000.0 K
Life: 16
Required Components: Proximity Fuses   Proximity Fuses
Electronics   Electronics
Fuel Cells   Fuel Cells
Explosives   Explosives
Titanium   Titanium