Medal Definition

"Blue Matrix"
Matrix Award
This medal is awarded to pilots who tune and hold beacons in all Solrain sectors. Experience earned: 5000

Related Sectors
Solrain Core
Solrain Cornea
Solrain Wake
Solrain SDS
Azure Churn
Bronci Rift
Cerulean Clouds
Greater Locks
Hirbel's Channel
Inner Lighthouse
Inner Oasis
Lesser Locks
Midpoint Rift
Morain Harbour
Narrow Canal
Outer Depths
Outer Lighthouse
Outer Oasis
Purian Lake
Sea of Solrain
The Fields
Tranquillus Major
Tranquillus Minor
Tribular Canal
Wanderer's Pond

"TRI awards you with this medal for maintenance of Reconstruction Beacon Networks. You are hereby granted all the rights and privileges associated with this award."