Medal Definition

"Green Matrix"
Matrix Award
This medal is awarded to pilots who tune and hold beacons in all Quantar sectors. Experience earned: 5000

Related Sectors
Quantar Core
Quantar Corridor
Quantar TriPoint
Quantar SDS
Callow Passage
Dark End
Dark Path
Dark Trail
Ekoo's Stop
Great Venure Belt
Hook of Roh
Hyperion Gate
Inner Roh Cloud
Inner Third
Long Walk
Omni IV
Omni V
Orus' Leg
Orus' Tail
Outer Roh-Cloud
Outer Third
Path of Hordes
Quanaus Crossing
Quantar Gate
Quantar Hook
Ring View
Rounds of Quantos
Square of Quantos
Third Gate
Tictac's Hook
Upper Third

"TRI awards you with this medal for maintenance of Reconstruction Beacon Networks. You are hereby granted all the rights and privileges associated with this award."