technical specifications   

"Tens And Piney Systems"

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Hazard Solutions
One of the most widely established manufacturing concerns in the galaxy, Tens and Piney (commonly referred to as T&P) has a long-standing reputation for quality products. The company is so old, there is no official record as to who actually started it. Some say it was a cooperative effort between ancient governments and alien races, in a plan to establish a secret alien invasion using corn oil and honey bees. Most believe that the story is but a corporate legend whose only value is a good gTV show. Whatever the truth is out there, T&P is a longstanding household name associated with trust and reliability. T&P Systems is the official producer for the Solrain system.

Production Center(s): Solrain Core
Solrain Wake
Solrain Cornea
CodeName: Tens And Piney Systems
Classification: Hazard Solutions
Slogan: "Cover your Hiney with Tens and Piney"
Best Sellers: Rocky
Employees: 112,000