technical specifications   


image not to scale
Octave's premiere weapon and the universal code for 'don't mess with me.' Two Lances have been known to take down a fully padded Traveler. Handle with care.

Production Center(s): Octavius Core
Octavius Great Pillars
Octavius Outpost
CodeName: Lance
Classification: Torpedo
Manufacturer: Octave Prop. Labs
TechLevel: 12
Size(ucs): 4
Mass(kg): 620
Thrust(gF): 244,900
Max Pitch(d/s): 28
Max Yaw(d/s): 28
m-drag: 0.7
Damage(u): 17,000.0 K
Life: 36
Required Components: Aluminum   Aluminum
Electronics   Electronics
Fuel Cells   Fuel Cells
Explosives   Explosives