technical specifications   


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Heavy Fighter
Long awaited as the vessel expected to cement Octavius' military superiority among the factions, the soon-to-be-legendary Dragon was designed with overwhelming firepower, yet is also faster than might be expected in an Octavian design .

Production Center(s): Octavius Great Pillars
CodeName: Dragon
Classification: Heavy Fighter
TechLevel: 31
Size(ucs): 47.5
Mass(kg): 50,500.0
Engines: 2
MAX Engine Size: 4
Gun Hardpoints: 5
Missile Hardpoints: 5
MODx Hardpoints: 4
Drag Factor: 33.6
MAX Pitch: 42.0
MAX Roll: 35
MAX Yaw: 42
MAX Cargo: 12
MAX PP Size: 5
MAX Radar Size: 2
MAX ECM Size: 1
MAX Shield Size: 3
MAX Capacitor Size: 4