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Pilot Personnal Information
Full NameShrasmakris Gahstar
Date of Birth77.6.17
Home PlanetBopliea - Sand Dwellers
BiographyNicknamed SandGod or SG derived from his initials of origin. SandGod was born and bought up into a family of Engineers. His space travel inventions highlighted to the Senate that more useful attributes could be gained.

It wasn't long until 'SG' was embossed on the craft and equipment visiting distant and far-reached planets. His return to Bopliea is always expected but as yet, no indication but the deep space arrays have a last known track towards an undocumented and unexplained universe.

There is always hope SandGod will return with new initiatives of reconstruction for the Bopliea population.

Spirit of UnitySafety BeltMiner's HeartRing of Commitment
Leap of FaithPath of LightClosed EyeWire of Instability
Octavius Duty RibbonOctavius Duty RibbonUnity StripeUnity Stripe I
Unity Stripe IIOperations RibbonOperations Ribbon ISkill Star
Glory StarGlory StarGlory StarGlory Star
Gates of HeavenBlue MatrixRed MatrixGreen Matrix
Orange MatrixPurple MatrixWhite MatrixNuke Splinter
Nuke ShardNuke GemKey of HeavenStreets of Heaven
Ice SplinterIce ShardIce GemPrecious Splinter
Precious ShardPrecious GemDark SplinterDark Shard
Dark GemCross of the CounselorCross of the MentorCross of the Mentor
Cross of the MentorCross of the MentorRuby NovaSapphire Nova
Emerald NovaAmethyst NovaAmber NovaSilver Supernova
Adamantine SupernovaGold SupernovaRising StarStarburst
Sarath's ShineRuby OptimusExplorer's StarGules Pendant
Vert PendantAzure PendantOr PendantCaptain's Commendation
active SandGod

Civilian - Peaceful Intent, aggressive engagement will result in penalty.
rank Octavius Optimus [50]
squad Fatal_Shadows
Highest Ranking Achieved!
combat categories
Solrain kills 0
political status Unfailing (100)
Octavius kills 0
political status Honored (114)
Quantar kills 1
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
political status Unfailing (100)
  total pilot kills 1
bounty collected c0
bounty per kill c0
deaths 25
kill ratio 4 %
  Conflux kills 2552
  gunshots fired 103701
gunshots hit 31724
gun accuracy 30 %
missiles fired 537
missiles hit 469
missile accuracy 87 %
non-combat categories
  experience 12888775
credits 141023583
net worth c141023583
  launches 662
landings 607
disconnects 60
duty hours 2811
  missions taken 475
missions complete 471
insurance rating 9
pure asteroids mined 177
artifacts found 89
Pilot Account Last Updated 2025-03-13 20:06:58