Name: QOSFounder: scsDescription:Multi Faction.. 'Drone' squad.. aas = Amananth stationhhs = Hyperial station ocs = Octavius - core station ods = Octavius Storage Depot station ogp = Octavius - Great Pilars stationoos = Octavius - Outpost stationqcs = Quantar - Core station qds = Quantar Storage Depot stationqtcs = Quantar Corridor stationqts = Quantar - TriPoint station scs = Solrain - Core station sds = Solrain Storage Depot stationstcs = Solrain - Cornea stationsws = Solrain - Wake stationuee = Evening's End Stationugbs = GBS (Great Barrier Station) ukh = Klatsches Hold Stationull = Lothar's Landing Station Rules:1. Assist on brokering of equipment for lower level pilots.. from stations resources.. until lvl 26.. (civilians only) .. 2. Assist in the temporary storage of materials, from stations that have leaked materials (when that is needed) in an effort to save them for further reuse..3. Drones can be used for faction missions if needed as brokers4. Drones sits in a tow, or in HM... with mining equipment for mining, cargo, transport missions so they can keep there PR hi.. 5. Squad does not participate in any conflict between factions or flux or pirates.. Is a contribution from squad T&T..For more information contact any in game squad member... or from T&T squad member.. or mail at: |