
TRI pilots who have completed basic, demanding, or extraordinary feats are rewarded with the following medals. Medals are badges of honor, and should be worn with pride by any who receive them.

Available Medals
Complete Medal Type Requirements
Spirit of Unity
Basic Skill Medal Conflux Rips
Merit of Defense
Basic Skill Medal Opposing Faction Rips
Safety Belt
Basic Skill Medal Landings
Miner's Heart
Basic Skill Medal Ore Sold
Ring of Commitment
Basic Skill Medal Duty Hours
Tactical Pride
Basic Skill Medal Missile Hits
Honor's Mark
Basic Skill Medal Completed Missions
Flame of Courage
Basic Skill Medal Bounty Collected
Leap of Faith
Basic Skill Medal Jumpgates Traveled
Path of Light
Basic Skill Medal Beacons Controlled
Closed Eye
Demerit Claims
The Ironic Trust
Demerit Same Faction Rips
Shame's Mark
Demerit Failed Missions
Wire of Instability
Demerit Disconnects
Black Dwarf
Combination Demerit Full Demerit Set
Badge of Irony
Combination Demerit 5 Black Dwarfs
Skill Star
Combination Skill Medal Full Basic Medal Set
Glory Star
Combination Skill Medal 5 Skill Stars
Unity Stripe
Basic Skill Medal Kill 100 Conflux
Unity Stripe I
Basic Skill Medal Kill 500 Conflux
Unity Stripe II
Basic Skill Medal Kill 1000 Conflux
Unity Stripe III
Basic Skill Medal Kill 5000 Conflux
Unity Stripe IV
Basic Skill Medal Kill 10000 Conflux
Unity Stripe V
Basic Skill Medal Kill 50000 Conflux
Unity Stripe VI
Basic Skill Medal Kill 100000 Conflux
Unity Stripe VII
Basic Skill Medal Kill 150000 Conflux
Operations Ribbon
Basic Skill Medal Complete 100 Missions
Operations Ribbon I
Basic Skill Medal Complete 250 Missions
Operations Ribbon II
Basic Skill Medal Complete 500 Missions
Operations Ribbon III
Basic Skill Medal Complete 1000 Missions
Operations Ribbon IV
Basic Skill Medal Complete 1500 Missions
Operations Ribbon V
Basic Skill Medal Complete 2500 Missions
Operations Ribbon VI
Basic Skill Medal Complete 5000 Missions
Operations Ribbon VII
Basic Skill Medal Complete 7500 Missions
Solrain Duty Ribbon
Military Duty Ribbon Complete Tour of Duty
Solrain Duty Ribbon II
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 10 Tours
Solrain Duty Ribbon III
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 100 Tours of Duty
Octavius Duty Ribbon
Military Duty Ribbon Complete Tour of Duty
Octavius Duty Ribbon II
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 10 Tours
Octavius Duty Ribbon III
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 100 Tours
Quantar Duty Ribbon
Military Duty Ribbon Complete Tour of Duty
Quantar Duty Ribbon II
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 10 Tours
Quantar Duty Ribbon III
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 100 Tours
Hyperial Duty Ribbon
Military Duty Ribbon Complete Tour of Duty
Hyperial Duty Ribbon II
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 10 Tours
Hyperial Duty Ribbon III
Military Duty Ribbon Complete 100 Tours
Blue Matrix
Matrix Award Solrain Beacons
Red Matrix
Matrix Award Octavius Beacons
Green Matrix
Matrix Award Quantar Beacons
Orange Matrix
Matrix Award Hyperial Beacons
Purple Matrix
Matrix Award Amananth Beacons
White Matrix
Matrix Award Unregulated Beacons
Rainbow Matrix
Matrix Award 500 Beacons
Wave Matrix
Matrix Award 5000 Beacons
Sarath's Plan
Matrix Award 15000 Beacons
Gates of Heaven
Important Medal c1000000 Earned
Key of Heaven
Unusual Medal c10000000 Earned
Streets of Heaven
Rare Medal c100000000 Earned
Title of Heaven
Precious Medal c1000000000 Earned
Nuke Splinter
Important Medal Radioactive Mineral Sale
Nuke Shard
Unusual Medal Radioactive Mineral Sale
Nuke Gem
Rare Medal Radioactive Mineral Sale
Ice Splinter
Important Medal Ice Mineral Sale
Ice Shard
Unusual Medal Ice Mineral Sale
Ice Gem
Rare Medal Ice Mineral Sale
Precious Splinter
Important Medal Precious Mineral Sale
Precious Shard
Unusual Medal Precious Mineral Sale
Precious Gem
Rare Medal Precious Mineral Sale
Dark Splinter
Important Medal Semifluxor Mineral Sale
Dark Shard
Unusual Medal Semifluxor Mineral Sale
Dark Gem
Rare Medal Semifluxor Mineral Sale
Cross of the Counselor
Important Medal Help a Student level
Cross of the Mentor
Important Medal Help a Student to level 9
Cross of the Preceptor
Important Medal Help 10 Students to level 9
Empowered Player
Privileged Position Honorary TRI Status
Ruby Nova
Important Medal High Political Rating
Sapphire Nova
Important Medal High Political Rating
Emerald Nova
Important Medal High Political Rating
Amethyst Nova
Important Medal High Political Rating
Amber Nova
Important Medal High Political Rating
Silver Supernova
Unusual Medal High Political Rating
Gold Supernova
Rare Medal High Political Rating
Adamantine Supernova
Precious Medal High Political Rating
Ember of Courage
Important Medal Bounty Collected
Fire of Courage
Unusual Medal Bounty Collected
Blaze of Courage
Rare Medal Bounty Collected
Phlogiston of Courage
Precious Medal Bounty Collected
Rising Star
Important Medal Fast Ranking
Unusual Medal Fast Ranking
Sarath's Shine
Rare Medal Fast Ranking
Luck of the Planet
Important Medal Order Joined
Luck of the Moon
Important Medal Order Joined
Luck of the Star
Unusual Medal Order Joined
Luck of the Nebula
Rare Medal Order Joined
Luck of the Impossible
Precious Medal Order Joined
Ruby Optimus
Precious Medal Level 50 Earned
Emerald Optimus
Precious Medal Level 50 Earned
Sapphire Optimus
Precious Medal Level 50 Earned
Foundation of The Trust
Prestigious Award Exceptional behavior on behalf of Solrain
National Honors
Prestigious Award Exceptional behavior on behalf of Octavius
Hamalzah's Divine Grace
Prestigious Award Exceptional behavior on behalf of Quantar
Golden Heart
Prestigious Award Exceptional behavior on behalf of Solrain
Night's Blade
Prestigious Award Exceptional behavior on behalf of Octavius
The Mane of Hamalzah
Prestigious Award Exceptional behavior on behalf of Quantar
Solrain Star
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Emperors' Emissary
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Quantar's Flame
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
The Order of Opal
Unusual Recognition Meritorious service on behalf of Amananth
The Order of Topaz
Unusual Recognition Exceptional behavior on behalf of Hyperial
The Order of Tyr
Prestigious Honors Ripped a GM during Combat Event
The Order of Fenris
Prestigious Honors Ripped a Dev during Combat Event
Fight Club
Prestigious Honors Victor in a Combat Tournament Event
Defender of the Barrier
Prestigious Honors Service against Infestations
Service Award Journalistic Service
TRI Recruiter
Service Award Recruiting
TRI Recruiter II
Service Award Recruiting
TRI Recruiter III
Service Award Recruiting
TRI Master Recruiter
Service Award Recruiting
Test Pilot Service Medal
Prestigious Honors Meritorious service during Beta Testing
Test Pilot Service Medal II
Prestigious Honors Dedicated service during Episode 2 Testing
Sarath's Shoulder
Prestigious Honors Extraordinarily Helpful to a Recruit
Explorer's Star
Rare Combination Skill Medal All artifact Pendants
Gules Pendant
Rare Medal Retrieved an Antique Artifact
Vert Pendant
Rare Medal Retrieved a Rusty Artifact
Azure Pendant
Rare Medal Retrieved a Superior Artifact
Or Pendant
Rare Medal Retrieved a Perfect Artifact
Sarath's Laughter
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Sarath's Rage
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Sarath's Pride
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Sarath's Wit
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Keval's Thanks
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Shar's Dive
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Shar's Drift
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Fish Hook
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Dead Fish
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Samon's Legacy
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Seeker of Knowledge
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Aeolsah's Sacrifice
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Tache's Crest
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Echoes of Hope
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Watt's Sun
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Medal of Hermod
Prestigious Honors Exceptional Piloting Skill during Race Event
Traveler's Choice
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned medal
Speedway Supreme
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Roid Runner
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Ronin's Choice
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Optimal Speed
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
All Nations Flag
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
Cormonra's Commendation
Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
TRI Order of Merit
Extremely Prestigious Honors GM Assigned Medal
TRI Emeritus Pilot III
Extremely Prestigious Honors TRI 3 Year Anniversary
Antepenultimate Adept
Prestigious Medal TRI Olympics
Penultimate Adept
Prestigious Medal TRI Olympics
Ultimate Adept
Prestigious Medal TRI Olympics