Fiber Optics, Commodities - 2025-02-05 06:59:20 (Moscow)

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Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Custom Producer in Quantar TriPoint Sector
Requires: Silicon, Synthetics

Fiber_OpticsSiliconSynthetics<-- newer - Recent stock changes (6-7 min intervals) - older -->
Octavius Core 16225 382 2342 353*5433 942                    
Octavius Great Pillars  25 370  2 358 29338 452                    
Octavius Outpost  25 370 91 320  33 942                    
Octavius SDS  25 319  1 319  33 879                    
Quantar Core 27325 382 4862 356  38 533                    
Quantar Corridor  28 416 1712 353* 33 880                    
Quantar TriPoint* 25 320 4982 358  38 533                    
Quantar SDS  25 319 1931 319  33 879                    
Solrain Core 42328 388  2 357 5238 462                    
Solrain Cornea  28 489 121 320  38 566                    
Solrain Wake* 25 320  2 359  38 569                    
Solrain SDS  25 319 11 319  33 879                    
Amananth* 25 319  2 358  38 485                    
Hyperial  25 319 871 319  38 535                    
Evening's End  25 319  1 319  33 879                    
GBS  25 319 481 319  33 880                    
Klatsches Hold  25 319*1651 319  33 879                    
Lothar's Landing  25 319* 1 319  33 880                    

Used to build:

Octavius CoreDefier (500) Deflector (500) Lastlight (500) Makk (500) Resistor (500)
Octavius Great PillarsDefier (443) Deflector (500) Lastlight (500) Makk (202)
Octavius OutpostDefier (214) Deflector (500) Lastlight (503) Makk (398)
Quantar CoreCanopy (46) Distorter (500) Haven (500) Pod (501) Shroud (134)
Quantar CorridorCanopy (6) Haven (127) ML Amplifier (498) Pod (500) Shelter (29) Shroud (31)
Quantar TriPointCanopy (500) Distorter (500) Haven (155) Lastlight (66) Pod (500) Shelter (500) Shroud (500)
Solrain CoreAlpaa (357) Cascade (385) Deceptor (500)
Solrain CorneaAlpaa (0) Cascade (499) Deceptor (498)
Solrain WakeAlpaa (1) Cascade (627) Deceptor (502)

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