Boron, Commodities - 2024-12-20 07:03:45 (Moscow)

Main Menu - Stations - All items - Low stock items - Non-Station Sectors

Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Mined, Ice (7%) or pure asteroids

Boron<-- newer - Recent stock changes (6-7 min intervals) - older -->
Octavius Core 25116 518                    
Octavius Great Pillars 4414 340                    
Octavius Outpost  14 340                    
Octavius SDS  14 289                    
Quantar Core 10016 516                    
Quantar Corridor  16 598                    
Quantar TriPoint 21616 514                    
Quantar SDS 714 289                    
Solrain Core  16 577                    
Solrain Cornea  16 607                    
Solrain Wake  16 602                    
Solrain SDS  14 289                    
Amananth 19014 352                    
Hyperial  14 301                    
Evening's End  14 289                    
GBS* 14 289                    
Klatsches Hold 49714 289                    
Lothar's Landing  14 289                    

Used to build:

Octavius CoreDefier (388) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Resistor (500)
Octavius Great PillarsDefier (443) Deflector (500) Makk (202)
Octavius OutpostDefier (214) Deflector (500) Makk (398)
Quantar CoreCanopy (47) Haven (495) Pod (495) Shroud (134) Thief (1)
Quantar CorridorCanopy (5) Composites (199) Haven (127) Pod (500) Shelter (29) Shroud (33)
Quantar TriPointCanopy (492) Haven (156) Pod (497) Shelter (499) Shroud (499) Warden (10)
Solrain CoreAlpaa (330) Cascade (385) Flatiron (500) Himelea (500) Mortar (501) Rocky (500)
Solrain CorneaAlpaa (46) Cascade (499) Composites (0) Flatiron (500) Himelea (500) Mortar (500) Rocky (500) Warden (61)
Solrain WakeAlpaa (81) Cascade (628) Composites (6) Flatiron (500) Himelea (501) Mortar (263) Rocky (176)
AmananthWhistle (500)

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