Helium, Commodities - 2025-03-12 23:30:46 (Moscow)

Main Menu - Stations - All items - Low stock items - Non-Station Sectors

Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Mined, Radioactive Metals (14%) or scooped from storm clouds
Nano Assembler in Quantar TriPoint Sector
Requires: No Known Requirements

Helium<-- newer - Recent stock changes (6-7 min intervals) - older -->
Octavius Core 7215 621                    
Octavius Great Pillars  15 663                    
Octavius Outpost 115 650                    
Octavius SDS 18015 643                    
Quantar Core 30615 635                    
Quantar Corridor 3515 647                    
Quantar TriPoint 10015 653                    
Quantar SDS 315 610                    
Solrain Core 6915 666                    
Solrain Cornea 7315 677                    
Solrain Wake  15 662                    
Solrain SDS  15 631                    
Amananth  15 670                    
Hyperial  15 668                    
Evening's End  15 639                    
GBS  15 639                    
Klatsches Hold*48815 447                    
Lothar's Landing  15 686                    

Used to build:

Octavius CoreDropTank (5)
Octavius OutpostDropTank (19)
Quantar CoreCollector (498) DropTank (12) Laser Components (0) Rake (500) Reaper (500)
Quantar CorridorCollector (36) DeepRadar (499) Rake (14) Reaper (312)
Quantar TriPointCollector (45) Laser Components (0) Rake (12) Reaper (347)
Solrain WakeDropTank (20)
AmananthAntagonizer (443) Instigator (60) Intimidator (241)

Original Code Created By Pilot Flowbar  -  http://blommaskog.net/jumpgate/index.htm