Optics, Commodities - 2024-10-04 08:54:10 (Moscow)

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Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

OpticsErbiumMachined PartsSilicon<-- newer - Recent stock changes (6-7 min intervals) - older -->
Octavius Core 41220 044 3526 579* 20 722 5482 353                    
Octavius Great Pillars*24717 690 53030 722* 20 660 1322 358                    
Octavius Outpost 50020 155 5126 579  23 707 721 320-6         -6         
Octavius SDS  17 689 25526 579  20 659 5411 319                    
Quantar Core  17 752 9926 580 45123 703 4912 356                    
Quantar Corridor 320 166 426 580  23 765 2902 353                    
Quantar TriPoint*4017 690 49330 810  23 776 4962 358                    
Quantar SDS  17 689  26 579  20 659 1931 319                    
Solrain Core 4520 160 2426 579*2423 697 3212 357                    
Solrain Cornea 10020 219 49726 579 14923 802 31 320                    
Solrain Wake  20 252 8426 579  23 815 1352 359                    
Solrain SDS  17 689 31026 579  20 659 3731 319                    
Amananth  17 689 49730 700 10923 666  2 358                    
Hyperial  20 165 30626 579 1123 782 21 319                    
Evening's End  17 689*2626 579  20 659 1651 319                    
GBS  17 690 926 579  20 660 411 319                    
Klatsches Hold  17 689 2526 579  20 659*1651 319                    
Lothar's Landing  17 689  26 579  20 660* 1 319                    

Used to build:

Octavius CoreCalefactor (500) FeatherFire (97) Hawkeye (498) Illuminator (496) Injustice (502) Lastlight (498)
Octavius Great PillarsCalefactor (484) Duelist (500) FeatherFire (96) Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (500) Injustice (511) Lastlight (500)
Octavius OutpostCalefactor (500) Docking Computer (36) FeatherFire (380) Hawkeye (490) Illuminator (502) Injustice (498) Lastlight (500)
Quantar CoreBender (502) Distorter (500) Docking Computer (11) Needle (500) Shard (500) Spitfire (55) Thief (0) Thorn (500) Warper (500) Witness (500)
Quantar CorridorBender (36) Needle (47) Thorn (100) Warper (65) Witness (496)
Quantar TriPointBender (500) Distorter (500) Lastlight (66) Needle (500) Spitfire (399) Thorn (501) Warper (500) Witness (496)
Solrain CoreBullseye (501) Dealer (500) Deceptor (502) Liar (500) Shark (498) VTC I (501)
Solrain CorneaBullseye (501) Dealer (500) Deceptor (502) Liar (499) Optima (495) Shark (500) VTC I (501)
Solrain WakeBullseye (500) Dealer (500) Deceptor (498) Docking Computer (321) Liar (502) Optima (491) Shark (500) VTC I (501)
HyperialInSight (498) V.A.P.O.R. (500)

Original Code Created By Pilot Flowbar  -  http://blommaskog.net/jumpgate/index.htm