Cobalt, Commodities - 2025-02-05 08:47:56 (Moscow)

Main Menu - Stations - All items - Low stock items - Non-Station Sectors

Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Mined, Radioactive Metals (28%) or pure asteroids

Cobalt<-- newer - Recent stock changes (6-7 min intervals) - older -->
Octavius Core  9 579                    
Octavius Great Pillars  12 144                    
Octavius Outpost 49612 163                    
Octavius SDS  9 529                    
Quantar Core 159 530                    
Quantar Corridor 39412 205                    
Quantar TriPoint 2149 530                    
Quantar SDS 109 529                    
Solrain Core 1389 530                    
Solrain Cornea  12 252                    
Solrain Wake  9 530                    
Solrain SDS 199 529                    
Amananth  9 530                    
Hyperial  9 541                    
Evening's End 19 529                    
GBS 389 530                    
Klatsches Hold  9 529                    
Lothar's Landing  9 529                    

Used to build:

Octavius CoreBurn (500) FeatherFire (93) Guzzler (501) Impeler (508) Pusher (501)
Octavius Great PillarsBurn (500) FeatherFire (96) Flail (482) Guzzler (500) Impeler (500) Pusher (502)
Octavius OutpostBarrak (106) Burn (504) Burn Mk II (500) FeatherFire (500) Guzzler (506) Impeler (500) Pusher (500)
Quantar CoreVector (14)
Quantar CorridorFuel Cells (0) Magnetics (144)
Quantar TriPointFuel Cells (375)
Solrain CoreVector (16)
Solrain CorneaMagnetics (435)
AmananthVector (8)
HyperialBarrak (33)

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