Profitable Hauls at Solrain Cornea - 2025-02-05 09:42:14 (Moscow)

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Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Current Inventory - Profitable hauls - Local production



Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Wake

Solrain Cornea to Amananth:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Gold230 6095 739193RAM (136) Electronics (146)
Erbium49726 5793 859495Intimidator (241) Instigator (60) Antagonizer (443)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 529496Intimidator (241) Instigator (60) Specter (353) Antagonizer (443) Alembic (457) Whistle (1) Displacer (376) Guardian (499) Rotacol (371) Wraith (439) Ghost (500) Shade (326)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 860 FlashFire (478)
Silicon121 3201 024 RAM (136) Electronics (146) CPUs (0) Fiber Optics (0)

Solrain Cornea to Hyperial:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Radium2023 8193 25857Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)

Solrain Cornea to Octavius Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Vanadium4826 232Excavator (500)3 627317Machined Parts (0) Armor (13)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 597329Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Ship Hangar (25) Makk (500) Defier (500)
Chromium789 453Landlord (500)2 348 Machined Parts (0) Armor (13)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 893143Jar (500) Manufactured Foods (0) Jug (499) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Synthetics (54) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Silicon121 3201 019234Synthetics (54)

Solrain Cornea to Octavius Great Pillars:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Erbium49726 5793 859498Optics (448)
Vanadium4826 232Excavator (500)3 502352Machined Parts (0) Flail (482)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 604 Flail (482) Deflector (500) Duster (500) Makk (202) RF Transceivers (0) Defier (443)
Chromium789 453Landlord (500)2 338 Machined Parts (0) Flail (482)
Barium7411 7402 030481Explosives (50)
Silicon121 3201 024 Optics (448)

Solrain Cornea to Octavius Outpost:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Gold230 6095 805308Sentinel (498) Sentry (523)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 648 Deflector (500) Duster (503) Makk (398) Barrak (106) Defier (214)
Barium7411 7401 984438TRIC-1 (8) Explosives (0)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 882493Jar (500) TRIC-1 (8) Explosives (0) Manufactured Foods (0) Jug (500) Summoner (500) Pint (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)

Solrain Cornea to Quantar Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 526499Broker (502) Haven (500) Harvester (500) Banker (266) Financier (500) Collector (500) Ship Hangar (25) Rake (500) Gatherer (500) Prospector (121) Reaper (501) Canopy (46) Shroud (134) Pod (501)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 8513Spore (222) Manufactured Foods (0) Keytso (42) Germ (428) Seed (497)
Silicon121 3201 022486Harvester (500) Gatherer (500) Gravitational Components (72)

Solrain Cornea to Quantar Corridor:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Silicon121 3201 019171Harvester (56) Synthetics (0) Gatherer (500) Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (0)

Solrain Cornea to Quantar TriPoint:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Erbium49726 5793 900494Optics (2)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 601114Hitman (500) Broker (501) Haven (155) Harvester (50) Banker (126) Collector (45) Rake (12) Warden (10) Gatherer (251) Prospector (45) Reaper (347) Canopy (500) Shroud (500) Shelter (500) Pod (500)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 952274TRIC-1 (10) Spore (481) Manufactured Foods (0) Keytso (409) Germ (501) Seed (501)
Silicon121 3201 024498Harvester (50) Gatherer (251) Fuel Cells (375) Optics (2) Fiber Optics (0)

Solrain Cornea to Solrain Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Gold230 6095 718142Electronics (495)
Vanadium4826 232Excavator (500)3 539148Excavator (501) Machined Parts (11) Vantage (500)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 628130Excavator (501) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Ship Hangar (25) Cascade (385) Rocky (500) Alpaa (357) Mortar (502)
Chromium789 453Landlord (500)2 332190Machined Parts (11)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 859 Mana (500) Manufactured Foods (0) Prayer (500) Lifeline (499) Mantra (500)
Silicon121 3201 023 Electronics (495)

Solrain Cornea to Solrain Wake:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Proximity Fuses1148 400Cutlass (263)4 600496Cutlass (158)
Magnetics43520 360Excavator (500) Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)2 589130Excavator (500) Himelea (501) Flatiron (500) Cascade (627) Rocky (177) Alpaa (1) RF Transceivers (0) Mortar (264)
Chemicals214 290Mana (458) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)1 939 TRIC-1 (9) Mana (500) Manufactured Foods (0) Prayer (500) Utterance (0) Lifeline (473) Mantra (503)
Silicon121 3201 025 Fiber Optics (0)

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