Profitable Hauls at Octavius Core - 2025-02-05 08:53:58 (Moscow)

Main Menu - Stations - All items - Low stock items - Non-Station Sectors

Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Current Inventory - Profitable hauls - Local production


Evening's End



Klatsches Hold

Lothar's Landing

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Octavius SDS

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar SDS

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain SDS

Solrain Wake

Octavius Core to Amananth:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 203 Power Converters (0) Electronics (146) Fiber Optics (0)
Laser Components3037 422Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 960 Intimidator (241) Instigator (60) PWD100 (291) Antagonizer (443)
Indium13122 1493 286414CPUs (0)
Boron22914 352Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Defier (500)2 010 Whistle (1)
Phosphorous12914 7701 992310FlashFire (478)
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to Evening's End:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to GBS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 0001 049 

Octavius Core to Hyperial:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Power Converters6340 742Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500)4 479 
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 253 TRIC-1 (500)
Laser Components3037 422Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 9473V.A.P.O.R. (500) Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Radium23623 8193 25857Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Molybdenum16 7102 507299Hatchet (500) Senator (431) Barrak (33) Jammer (52) ScrewDriver (319) Morning Star (500)
Optics49417 752Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 248 V.A.P.O.R. (500) InSight (495)
Phosphorous12914 7702 059486Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Organic Foods3985 000995 

Octavius Core to Klatsches Hold:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 000994 

Octavius Core to Lothar's Landing:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 0001 088 

Octavius Core to Octavius Great Pillars:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 170293Centerfuge Mk. I (501) Jar (500) Plutonium (32) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) TRIP-1 (5) Jug (500) Summoner (500) Pint (502) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Phosphorous12914 7701 969498Chemicals (0)
Organic Foods3985 000998 

Octavius Core to Octavius Outpost:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Molybdenum16 7102 485499Barrak (106)
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to Octavius SDS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 000998 

Octavius Core to Quantar Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 251 Refueling Tank (25) Market Warehouse (25) Spore (222) Repair Shop (25) TRIP-1 (30) Ship Hangar (25) Ore Silo (25) Ammunition Shop (25) Keytso (42) Germ (428) BuildKit - 2 (25) Seed (497) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Indium13122 1493 304499Gravitational Components (72)
Gallium185 8701 905 Laser Components (88) Gravitational Components (72)

Octavius Core to Quantar Corridor:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Laser Components3037 422Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 975 Broker (500) Banker (504) Collector (36) Bender (36) Rake (14) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (500) Vine (500) Prospector (500) Reaper (312) Warper (67) Needle (47) Thorn (97) ML Amplifier (498)
Indium13122 1493 326497Gravitational Components (0)
Fiber Optics16225 382Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Lastlight (500) Defier (500)2 780 Haven (127) Canopy (6) Shroud (31) ML Amplifier (498) Shelter (29) Pod (500)
Molybdenum16 7102 500363Composites (13)
Boron22914 352Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Defier (500)2 102 Haven (127) Canopy (6) Shroud (31) Composites (13) Shelter (29) Pod (500)
Phosphorous12914 7702 086207Chemicals (0) Fuel Cells (0)
Gallium185 8701 909 Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (0)
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to Quantar SDS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to Quantar TriPoint:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Power Converters6340 742Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500)4 420103Harvester (50) Collector (45) Rake (12) Gatherer (251) Reaper (347)
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 251 TRIC-1 (10) Spore (481) Keytso (409) Germ (501) Seed (501) Fuel Cells (375) Fiber Optics (0)
Molybdenum16 7102 461497Spitfire (398)
Gallium185 8701 906271Laser Components (0) Fuel Cells (375)
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to Solrain Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Iridium1814 1294 665493Alpaa (357) Mortar (502)
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 18052Sport LP (329) Refueling Tank (25) Mana (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Sport (510) Ship Hangar (25) Contender XL (509) Contender (510) Prayer (500) Ore Silo (25) Contender XPR (448) Ammunition Shop (25) Lifeline (499) Electronics (495) BuildKit - 2 (25) Mantra (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Laser Components3037 422Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 947 Excavator (501) Shark (500) Liar (498) Dealer (500) Deceptor (500)
Fiber Optics16225 382Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Lastlight (500) Defier (500)2 752423Cascade (385) Deceptor (500) Alpaa (357)
Optics49417 752Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 230 Shark (500) Liar (498) Dealer (500) Deceptor (500) Bullseye (501) VTC I (501)
Boron22914 352Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Defier (500)2 081 Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (385) Rocky (500) Alpaa (357) Mortar (502)

Octavius Core to Solrain Cornea:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Iridium1814 1294 731499Warden (61) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500)
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 284 Sport LP (416) Mana (458) Sport (502) Contender XL (432) Power Converters (0) Contender (274) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Contender XPR (305) Sport Plus (472) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500)
Laser Components3037 422Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 991192Excavator (500) Shark (500) Liar (500) Dealer (500) Deceptor (498)
Fiber Optics16225 382Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Lastlight (500) Defier (500)2 853 Cascade (499) Deceptor (498) Alpaa (0)
Molybdenum16 7102 503442Composites (0)
Optics49417 752Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (93) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 29192Optima (500) Shark (500) Liar (500) Dealer (500) Deceptor (498) Bullseye (501) VTC I (501)
Boron22914 352Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Defier (500)2 111 Himelea (500) Flatiron (500) Cascade (499) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Alpaa (0) Mortar (500) Composites (0)
Phosphorous12914 7702 088445Chemicals (2)
Organic Foods3985 0001 056 

Octavius Core to Solrain SDS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Octavius Core to Solrain Wake:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Power Converters6340 742Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500)4 392107Sport LP (0) Sport (93) TRIP-1 (129) Contender XL (500) Contender (502) Contender XPR (0) Sport Plus (9)
Iridium1814 1294 629495Alpaa (1) Mortar (264)
Synthetics5433 942Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Jar (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Armor (13) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)4 287 Sport LP (0) TRIC-1 (9) Mana (500) Sport (93) TRIP-1 (129) Contender XL (500) Contender (502) Prayer (500) Utterance (0) Contender XPR (0) Sport Plus (9) Lifeline (473) Mantra (503) Fiber Optics (0)
Molybdenum16 7102 523494Composites (0)
Boron22914 352Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Defier (500)2 10632Himelea (501) Flatiron (500) Cascade (627) Rocky (177) Alpaa (1) Mortar (264) Composites (0)
Organic Foods3985 000985 

Original Code Created By Pilot Flowbar  -