Profitable Hauls at Hyperial - 2024-12-24 00:40:41 (Moscow)

Main Menu - Stations - All items - Low stock items - Non-Station Sectors

Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Current Inventory - Profitable hauls - Local production


Evening's End


Klatsches Hold

Lothar's Landing

Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Octavius SDS

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar SDS

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain SDS

Solrain Wake

Hyperial to Amananth:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium2647 6395 00564FlashFire (491)
Erbium33526 5793 859492Intimidator (241) Instigator (120) Antagonizer (443)
Indium49822 1493 351416CPUs (0)
Grain1 2872 509814 

Hyperial to Evening's End:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509827 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to GBS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509878 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Klatsches Hold:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509823 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Lothar's Landing:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509917 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Octavius Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Fiber Optics525 3192 871178Resistor (500) Deflector (500) Makk (500) Lastlight (498) Defier (388)
Grain1 2872 509936 Manufactured Foods (0) Octavia Light (481)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Octavius Great Pillars:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Erbium33526 5793 859341Optics (127)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Octavius Outpost:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509754 Manufactured Foods (0) Octavia Light (15)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Octavius SDS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509827 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Quantar Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium2647 6394 641393Gravitational Components (0)
Indium49822 1493 371415Gravitational Components (0)
Fiber Optics525 3192 856 Haven (495) Canopy (47) Distorter (500) Shroud (134) Pod (495)
Gallium875 8691 906 Laser Components (22) Gravitational Components (0)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Quantar Corridor:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium2647 6394 559486Gravitational Components (48)
Indium49822 1493 338451Gravitational Components (48)
Fiber Optics525 3192 843 Haven (127) Canopy (5) Shroud (33) ML Amplifier (499) Shelter (29) Pod (500)
Gallium875 8691 910 Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (48)
Grain1 2872 509814 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Quantar SDS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 50982726
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Quantar TriPoint:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Erbium33526 5793 953480Optics (2)
Gallium875 8691 90721Laser Components (0) Fuel Cells (376)
Grain1 2872 509814 Manufactured Foods (0)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Solrain Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Fiber Optics525 3192 875150Cascade (385) Deceptor (500) Alpaa (330)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Solrain Cornea:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Fiber Optics525 3192 916 Cascade (499) Deceptor (502) Alpaa (46)
Grain1 2872 509938 Solrain Stout (324)
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Solrain SDS:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509814 
Textiles2003 000269 

Hyperial to Solrain Wake:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Grain1 2872 509938 Manufactured Foods (0)
Textiles2003 000269 

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