Profitable Hauls at Solrain SDS - 2025-02-05 09:42:14 (Moscow)

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Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain Wake

Solrain SDS to Amananth:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Erbium15226 5793 859495Intimidator (241) Instigator (60) Antagonizer (443)
Indium39222 1493 286414CPUs (0)
Silver910 7992 891357CPUs (0)
Phosphorous49914 7691 993310FlashFire (478)
Silicon11 3191 025 RAM (136) Electronics (146) CPUs (0) Fiber Optics (0)

Solrain SDS to Hyperial:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9094 107457Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Radium15423 8193 25857Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Xenon519 9993 060427Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Molybdenum66 7092 508299Hatchet (500) Senator (431) Barrak (33) Jammer (52) ScrewDriver (319) Morning Star (500)
Phosphorous49914 7692 060486Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Iron239791 709497Hatchet (500) Rush (500) Dream (500) Senator (431) Barrak (33) Deepol (500) ScrewDriver (319) Morning Star (500)
Carbon2572 4391 159496Hatchet (500) Senator (431) Barrak (33) ScrewDriver (319) Morning Star (500)

Solrain SDS to Octavius Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9094 186127Ammunition (0)
Iron239791 731439Jar (500) Machined Parts (0) Refueling Tank (25) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (499) Ore Silo (25) Summoner (500) Pint (422) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Storage Warehouse (25)
Titanium63 9091 538380Refueling Tank (25) Burn (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Propulser (500) Ship Hangar (25) Pusher (501) Ore Silo (25) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Impeler (508) Guzzler (501) Storage Warehouse (25)
Aluminum12 9391 217 Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Stinger (294) Resistor (500) Refueling Tank (25) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Market Warehouse (25) Stiletto (499) DropTank (5) Repair Shop (25) Deflector (500) Ship Hangar (25) Straker (516) Smacker (498) Sledge (491) Ore Silo (25) Makk (500) Ammunition (0) Lastlight (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Ammunition Shop (25) Clarifier (500) Rasp (500) Lance (499) Defier (500) BuildKit - 2 (25) Beholder (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) Sentry (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) HellRazor (104) Cyclops (500) Storage Warehouse (25)
Carbon2572 4391 152300Synthetics (54)
Silicon11 3191 020234Synthetics (54)

Solrain SDS to Octavius Great Pillars:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9094 166 Plutonium (32) TRIP-1 (5) Ammunition (422)
Erbium15226 5793 859498Optics (448)
Silver910 7992 914276Sentinel (500) Night Watchman (63) Clarifier (500) RF Transceivers (0) Beholder (500) Sentry (500) Cyclops (501)
Cobalt199 5292 519 Burn (500) Flail (482) Pusher (502) FeatherFire (96) Impeler (500) Guzzler (500)
Barium49811 7392 031481Explosives (50)
Phosphorous49914 7691 970498Chemicals (0)
Iron239791 73352Jar (500) Machined Parts (0) Jug (500) Summoner (500) Pint (502) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Titanium63 9091 413236Burn (500) Flail (482) Propulser (500) Pusher (502) Impeler (500) Guzzler (500)
Aluminum12 9391 21541Centerfuge Mk. I (501) Stinger (348) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Stiletto (399) Sentinel (500) Deflector (500) Straker (500) Smacker (495) Duster (500) Maul (468) Sledge (394) Makk (202) Night Watchman (63) Ammunition (422) Lastlight (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Clarifier (500) Rasp (500) Lance (436) Defier (443) Beholder (500) Sentry (500) Cobra (500) HellRazor (115) Cyclops (501)
Carbon2572 4391 159168Chemicals (0)
Silicon11 3191 025 Optics (448)

Solrain SDS to Octavius Outpost:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Silver910 7992 861114Sentinel (498) Clarifier (501) Beholder (501) Sentry (523) Cyclops (500)
Cobalt199 5292 538496Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Barrak (106) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)
Molybdenum66 7092 486499Barrak (106)
Barium49811 7391 985438TRIC-1 (8) Explosives (0)
Iron239791 712129Jar (500) Jug (500) Summoner (500) Pint (500) Barrak (106) Tank (500) Carrier (500) Trap (0)
Aluminum12 9391 21678Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Stinger (44) TRIC-1 (8) Centerfuge Mk. III (501) Stiletto (498) DropTank (0) Sentinel (498) Deflector (500) Straker (506) Smacker (500) Duster (503) Sledge (500) Makk (398) Lastlight (503) Centerfuge Mk. II (501) Centerfuge Mk. IV (504) Clarifier (501) Rasp (500) Lance (411) Defier (214) Beholder (501) Sentry (523) HellRazor (869) Cyclops (500)
Carbon2572 4391 144495Barrak (106)

Solrain SDS to Quantar Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Platinum2945 9097 013495Liana (499) Financier (500) Vine (500) Prospector (121) Ivy (500)
Indium39222 1493 304499Gravitational Components (72)
Xenon519 9992 983492Spitfire (54) Laser Components (88)
Silver910 7992 900445Liana (499) Vine (500) Night Watchman (19) Root (499) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)
Gallium65 8691 906 Laser Components (88) Gravitational Components (72)
Iron239791 729495Glaive (218) Purgatory (494) Refueling Tank (25) Broker (502) Sirrus (502) Banker (266) Market Warehouse (25) Financier (500) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Ore Silo (25) Calypso (498) Grave Robber (501) Distorter (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Titanium63 9091 535260Refueling Tank (25) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Collector (500) Ship Hangar (25) Rake (500) Vector (14) Ore Silo (25) Reaper (501) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Aluminum12 9391 21868Refueling Tank (25) Market Warehouse (25) DropTank (2) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Ore Silo (25) Night Watchman (19) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Carbon2572 4391 025417Glaive (218) Purgatory (494) Broker (502) Sirrus (502) Banker (266) Financier (500) Calypso (498) Grave Robber (501) Distorter (500)
Silicon11 3191 023486Harvester (500) Gatherer (500) Gravitational Components (72)

Solrain SDS to Quantar Corridor:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Indium39222 1493 326497Gravitational Components (0)
Silver910 7992 943280Liana (500) Vine (500) Root (503) Ivy (502) Creeper (500) RF Transceivers (0)
Cobalt199 5292 580394Magnetics (144) Fuel Cells (0)
Molybdenum66 7092 501363Composites (13)
Phosphorous49914 7692 087207Chemicals (0) Fuel Cells (0)
Gallium65 8691 910 Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (0)
Iron239791 732231Purgatory (36) Broker (500) Sirrus (74) Banker (504) Magnetics (144) Calypso (153) Grave Robber (222) Trap (0) Composites (13)
Titanium63 9091 54611Collector (36) Rake (14) DeepRadar (500) Reaper (312) Composites (13)
Aluminum12 9391 22018Composites (13)
Carbon2572 4391 161219Purgatory (36) Broker (500) Chemicals (0) Sirrus (74) Banker (504) Synthetics (0) Calypso (153) Grave Robber (222) Composites (13)
Silicon11 3191 020171Harvester (56) Synthetics (0) Gatherer (500) Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (0)

Solrain SDS to Quantar TriPoint:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Erbium15226 5793 900494Optics (2)
Xenon519 9992 998498Spitfire (398) Laser Components (0)
Molybdenum66 7092 462497Spitfire (398)
Gallium65 8691 907271Laser Components (0) Fuel Cells (375)
Iron239791 608438Purgatory (498) Broker (501) Sirrus (500) Banker (126) Calypso (500) Grave Robber (660) Distorter (500)
Titanium63 9091 539401Hitman (500) TRIC-1 (10) Collector (45) Rake (12) Reaper (347)
Carbon2572 4391 039165Purgatory (498) Broker (501) Sirrus (500) Banker (126) Calypso (500) Grave Robber (660) Distorter (500)
Silicon11 3191 025498Harvester (50) Gatherer (251) Fuel Cells (375) Optics (2) Fiber Optics (0)

Solrain SDS to Solrain Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Silver910 7992 948377Doorbell (590) Hall Monitor (496) Knocker (451) Chime (137)
Iron239791 731496Machined Parts (11) Refueling Tank (25) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Money (500) Travant (502) Respect (500) Ore Silo (25) Travant Plus (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) Adventa (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Trap (499) Storage Warehouse (25)
Titanium63 9091 543159Sabre (0) Excavator (501) Refueling Tank (25) Long Sword (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Vantage (500) Vector (16) Spear (500) Money (500) Travant (502) Respect (500) Ore Silo (25) Deceptor (500) Travant Plus (500) Peeler (500) Ammunition Shop (25) Rapier (523) BuildKit - 2 (25) Adventa (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Cutlass (531) Kataka (500) Storage Warehouse (25) Hammer (479)
Aluminum12 9391 219190Doorbell (590) Refueling Tank (25) Himelea (500) Mana (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Flatiron (500) Ship Hangar (25) Hall Monitor (496) Cascade (385) Prayer (500) Ore Silo (25) Rocky (500) Knocker (451) Alpaa (357) Ammunition Shop (25) Lifeline (499) Electronics (495) BuildKit - 2 (25) Mantra (500) Mortar (502) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Chime (137) Storage Warehouse (25)
Silicon11 3191 024 Electronics (495)

Solrain SDS to Solrain Cornea:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9094 14649Sport LP (416) Sport (502) Contender XL (432) Contender (274) Contender XPR (305) Sport Plus (472)
Silver910 7992 916498Doorbell (49) Echo (500) Hall Monitor (498) Knocker (476) Chime (484)
Cobalt199 5292 627 Magnetics (435)
Molybdenum66 7092 504442Composites (0)
Phosphorous49914 7692 089445Chemicals (2)
Iron239791 735228Magnetics (435) Money (500) Travant (500) Respect (508) Travant Plus (500) Adventa (500) Composites (0)
Titanium63 9091 549 Excavator (500) Long Sword (497) Landlord (500) Spear (494) Money (500) Travant (500) Respect (508) Deceptor (498) Travant Plus (500) Peeler (500) Rapier (442) Adventa (500) Composites (0) Cutlass (263) Kataka (495) Hammer (842)
Aluminum12 9391 22490Doorbell (49) Himelea (500) Mana (458) Echo (500) Flatiron (500) Hall Monitor (498) Cascade (499) Prayer (501) Utterance (36) Warden (61) Rocky (500) Knocker (476) Alpaa (0) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500) Mortar (500) Composites (0) Chime (484)
Carbon2572 4391 164383Chemicals (2) Composites (0)

Solrain SDS to Solrain Wake:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9094 167394Sport LP (0) Sport (93) TRIP-1 (129) Contender XL (500) Contender (502) Contender XPR (0) Sport Plus (9)
Silver910 7992 923397Doorbell (39) Echo (500) Hall Monitor (549) Night Watchman (12) Knocker (500) RF Transceivers (0) Chime (499)
Molybdenum66 7092 524494Composites (0)
Iron239791 732162Money (800) Travant (598) Respect (500) Travant Plus (500) Adventa (500) Trap (0) Composites (0)
Titanium63 9091 555133Excavator (500) TRIC-1 (9) Long Sword (474) Landlord (500) Spear (497) Money (800) Travant (598) Respect (500) Deceptor (502) Travant Plus (500) Rapier (320) Adventa (500) Composites (0) Cutlass (158) Kataka (460) Hammer (503)
Aluminum12 9391 223 Doorbell (39) TRIC-1 (9) Himelea (501) Mana (500) Echo (500) DropTank (0) Flatiron (500) Hall Monitor (549) Cascade (627) Prayer (500) Night Watchman (12) Utterance (0) Rocky (177) Knocker (500) Alpaa (1) Lifeline (473) Mantra (503) Mortar (264) Composites (0) Chime (499)
Carbon2572 4391 163497Composites (0)
Silicon11 3191 026 Fiber Optics (0)

Original Code Created By Pilot Flowbar  -