Profitable Hauls at Octavius Outpost - 2024-12-24 00:40:41 (Moscow)

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Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Current Inventory - Profitable hauls - Local production



Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain Wake

Octavius Outpost to Amananth:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium1747 6395 00564FlashFire (491)
Laser Components32037 422Duster (504) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 960 Intimidator (241) Instigator (120) PWD100 (291) Antagonizer (443)
Indium7922 1503 350416CPUs (0)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 916158Power Converters (0) RAM (0) Electronics (146)
Silicon2891 3201 024113RAM (0) Electronics (146) CPUs (0) Fiber Optics (458)

Octavius Outpost to Hyperial:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9104 106468Serializer (500) Nova Mk. I (503)
Optics40317 752Docking Computer (36) Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 248 V.A.P.O.R. (500) InSight (495)

Octavius Outpost to Octavius Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Laser Components32037 422Duster (504) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 981 Illuminator (496) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (97) Lastlight (498) Injustice (502)
Uranium111 9104 185114Ammunition (0)
Vanadium16926 230Armor (0)3 669149Machined Parts (75) Armor (0)
Optics40317 752Docking Computer (36) Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 083494Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (496) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (97) Lastlight (498) Injustice (502)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 922458Machined Parts (75) Burn (500) Propulser (500) Pusher (501) FeatherFire (97) Ammunition (0) Impeler (506) Guzzler (501)
Silicon2891 3201 019499Synthetics (0)

Octavius Outpost to Octavius Great Pillars:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9104 165 Plutonium (17) TRIP-1 (5) Ammunition (140)
Vanadium16926 230Armor (0)3 531404Machined Parts (0) Flail (500)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 92790Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Propulser (500) Pusher (502) FeatherFire (96) Ammunition (140) Impeler (500) Guzzler (500)
Silicon2891 3201 024177Optics (127)

Octavius Outpost to Quantar Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium1747 6394 641393Gravitational Components (0)
Iridium10014 1294 721499Haven (495) Prospector (121)
Indium7922 1503 370415Gravitational Components (0)
Xenon43920 062FeatherFire (500)2 919438Spitfire (50) Laser Components (22)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 868231Liana (499) Spitfire (50) Harvester (498) Mitoria (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (608) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500) Shepherd (500)
Silicon2891 3201 022425Harvester (498) Gatherer (500) Gravitational Components (0)

Octavius Outpost to Quantar Corridor:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium1747 6394 559486Gravitational Components (48)
Laser Components32037 422Duster (504) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 97566Broker (500) Banker (504) Collector (36) Bender (36) Rake (14) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (501) Vine (500) Prospector (500) Reaper (499) Warper (65) Needle (47) Thorn (100) ML Amplifier (499)
Indium7922 1503 337451Gravitational Components (48)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 924262Liana (500) Harvester (56) Mitoria (500) Mitoria Plus (500) Power Converters (0) Cardoia (506) Vine (500) Root (503) Gatherer (488) Caster (53) Ivy (502) Creeper (500) Shepherd (506)
Silicon2891 3201 01992Harvester (56) Synthetics (0) Gatherer (488) Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (48)

Octavius Outpost to Quantar TriPoint:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Iridium10014 1294 75898Haven (156) Warden (10) Prospector (45) Shelter (499)
Xenon43920 062FeatherFire (500)2 934497Spitfire (398) Laser Components (0)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 919497Liana (500) Spitfire (398) Harvester (50) Mitoria (501) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (504) Vine (500) Root (500) Gatherer (251) Caster (494) Ivy (501) Creeper (500) Shepherd (497)
Silicon2891 3201 024497Harvester (50) Gatherer (251) Fuel Cells (376) Optics (2) Fiber Optics (0)

Octavius Outpost to Solrain Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Iridium10014 1294 689487Alpaa (330) Mortar (501)
Vanadium16926 230Armor (0)3 541175Excavator (501) Machined Parts (5) Vantage (500)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 928103Machined Parts (5) Electronics (496)
Silicon2891 3201 02354Electronics (496)

Octavius Outpost to Solrain Cornea:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Iridium10014 1294 740494Warden (61) Alpaa (46) Mortar (500)
Laser Components32037 422Duster (504) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)4 020 Excavator (500) Shark (500) Liar (499) Dealer (500) Deceptor (502)
Uranium111 9104 14586Sport LP (404) Sport (503) Contender XL (432) Contender (274) Contender XPR (290) Sport Plus (479)
Optics40317 752Docking Computer (36) Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 29193Optima (494) Shark (500) Liar (499) Dealer (500) Deceptor (502) Bullseye (501) VTC I (501)
Copper4612 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 926121Power Converters (0)

Octavius Outpost to Solrain Wake:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Iridium10014 1294 721483Alpaa (81) Mortar (263)
Laser Components32037 422Duster (504) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)3 96143Excavator (500) Shark (500) Liar (502) Dealer (500) Deceptor (496)
Uranium111 9104 17354Sport LP (0) Sport (82) TRIP-1 (129) Contender XL (500) Contender (502) Contender XPR (4) Sport Plus (0)
Optics40317 752Docking Computer (36) Hawkeye (500) Illuminator (502) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (500) Lastlight (500) Injustice (500)2 325 Docking Computer (322) Optima (490) Shark (500) Liar (502) Dealer (500) Deceptor (496) Bullseye (500) VTC I (501)
Silicon2891 3201 025 Fiber Optics (150)

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