Profitable Hauls at Octavius Outpost - 2025-02-05 09:42:14 (Moscow)

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Commodities: Food and Water - End Products - Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5 - Tier 6

Equipment: Powerplants - Engines - Radars - ECMs - Shields - Capacitors - Guns - Missiles - MODxs

Current Inventory - Profitable hauls - Local production



Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain Wake

Octavius Outpost to Amananth:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium2847 6395 005105FlashFire (478)
Indium13722 1503 285414CPUs (0)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 916226Power Converters (0) RAM (136) Electronics (146)
Silicon91 3201 024 RAM (136) Electronics (146) CPUs (0) Fiber Optics (0)

Octavius Outpost to Hyperial:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9104 106457Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Radium14423 8193 25857Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Xenon3520 062FeatherFire (500)2 996427Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)
Zinc55 8702 07127
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 8063Serializer (206) Nova Mk. I (503)

Octavius Outpost to Octavius Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Plutonium49142 182Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Centerfuge Mk. III (501) Centerfuge Mk. II (501) Centerfuge Mk. IV (504)6 483433Centerfuge Mk. I (500) Centerfuge Mk. V (500) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (500) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500)
Uranium111 9104 185127Ammunition (0)
Chromium49 400Armor (0)2 402 Machined Parts (0) Armor (13)
Zinc55 8702 077 Machined Parts (0) Ammunition (0)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 922288Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Propulser (500) Pusher (501) FeatherFire (93) Ammunition (0) Impeler (508) Guzzler (501)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 475380Refueling Tank (25) Burn (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Propulser (500) Ship Hangar (25) Pusher (501) Ore Silo (25) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Impeler (508) Guzzler (501) Storage Warehouse (25)
Silicon91 3201 019234Synthetics (54)

Octavius Outpost to Octavius Great Pillars:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9104 165 Plutonium (32) TRIP-1 (5) Ammunition (422)
Chromium49 400Armor (0)2 392 Machined Parts (0) Flail (482)
Zinc55 8702 07740Machined Parts (0) Chemicals (0) Ammunition (422)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 927262Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Propulser (500) Pusher (502) FeatherFire (96) Ammunition (422) Impeler (500) Guzzler (500)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 350236Burn (500) Flail (482) Propulser (500) Pusher (502) Impeler (500) Guzzler (500)
Silicon91 3201 024 Optics (448)

Octavius Outpost to Quantar Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Platinum1945 9097 013495Liana (499) Financier (500) Vine (500) Prospector (121) Ivy (500)
Cesium2847 6394 642393Gravitational Components (72)
Indium13722 1503 303499Gravitational Components (72)
Xenon3520 062FeatherFire (500)2 919492Spitfire (54) Laser Components (88)
Zinc55 8702 01332Liana (499) Vine (500) Root (499) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)
Gallium1485 8701 905 Laser Components (88) Gravitational Components (72)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 868287Liana (499) Spitfire (54) Harvester (500) Mitoria (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (608) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500) Shepherd (502)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 472260Refueling Tank (25) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Collector (500) Ship Hangar (25) Rake (500) Vector (14) Ore Silo (25) Reaper (501) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Silicon91 3201 022486Harvester (500) Gatherer (500) Gravitational Components (72)

Octavius Outpost to Quantar Corridor:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Cesium2847 6394 559498Gravitational Components (0)
Indium13722 1503 325497Gravitational Components (0)
Zinc55 8702 06612Liana (500) Chemicals (0) Vine (500) Root (503) Ivy (502) Creeper (500)
Gallium1485 8701 909 Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (0)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 924242Liana (500) Harvester (56) Mitoria (500) Mitoria Plus (500) Power Converters (44) Cardoia (506) Vine (500) Root (503) Gatherer (500) Caster (53) Ivy (502) Creeper (500) Shepherd (508)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 48311Collector (36) Rake (14) DeepRadar (500) Reaper (312) Composites (13)
Silicon91 3201 019171Harvester (56) Synthetics (0) Gatherer (500) Fuel Cells (0) Gravitational Components (0)

Octavius Outpost to Quantar TriPoint:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Xenon3520 062FeatherFire (500)2 934498Spitfire (398) Laser Components (0)
Gallium1485 8701 906271Laser Components (0) Fuel Cells (375)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 919494Liana (500) Spitfire (398) Harvester (50) Mitoria (501) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (504) Vine (500) Root (500) Gatherer (251) Caster (494) Ivy (501) Creeper (500) Shepherd (497)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 476401Hitman (500) TRIC-1 (10) Collector (45) Rake (12) Reaper (347)
Silicon91 3201 024498Harvester (50) Gatherer (251) Fuel Cells (375) Optics (2) Fiber Optics (0)

Octavius Outpost to Solrain Core:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Chromium49 400Armor (0)2 386190Machined Parts (11)
Zinc55 8702 074 Machined Parts (11)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 92891Machined Parts (11) Electronics (495)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 480159Sabre (0) Excavator (501) Refueling Tank (25) Long Sword (500) Market Warehouse (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Vantage (500) Vector (16) Spear (500) Money (500) Travant (502) Respect (500) Ore Silo (25) Deceptor (500) Travant Plus (500) Peeler (500) Ammunition Shop (25) Rapier (523) BuildKit - 2 (25) Adventa (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Cutlass (531) Kataka (500) Storage Warehouse (25) Hammer (479)
Silicon91 3201 023 Electronics (495)

Octavius Outpost to Solrain Cornea:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9104 14549Sport LP (416) Sport (502) Contender XL (432) Contender (274) Contender XPR (305) Sport Plus (472)
Zinc55 8702 07417Chemicals (2)
Copper72 282Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 926266Power Converters (0)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 486 Excavator (500) Long Sword (497) Landlord (500) Spear (494) Money (500) Travant (500) Respect (508) Deceptor (498) Travant Plus (500) Peeler (500) Rapier (442) Adventa (500) Composites (0) Cutlass (263) Kataka (495) Hammer (842)

Octavius Outpost to Solrain Wake:

Item#PriceMakes locallyEst. profit
per unit
at dest
Makes at destination
Uranium111 9104 166394Sport LP (0) Sport (93) TRIP-1 (129) Contender XL (500) Contender (502) Contender XPR (0) Sport Plus (9)
Titanium1083 972Burn Mk II (500) Burn (504) TRIC-1 (8) Propulser (501) Pusher (500) Impeler (500) Guzzler (506)1 492133Excavator (500) TRIC-1 (9) Long Sword (474) Landlord (500) Spear (497) Money (800) Travant (598) Respect (500) Deceptor (502) Travant Plus (500) Rapier (320) Adventa (500) Composites (0) Cutlass (158) Kataka (460) Hammer (503)
Silicon91 3201 025 Fiber Optics (0)

Original Code Created By Pilot Flowbar  -